What does it cost to get an estimate from Pandora & Pendragon™?
Estimates are free. However, if you have a complicated design and we must do the design work ourselves, we will charge a reasonable design fee.
What kind of information should I provide in my estimate request?
Please provide a full verbal description of any important features, provide complete measurements, and provide drawings for any complex or unusual design. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. If you need rush handling, please state that in your description.
How long does it take to get an estimate?
We try to provide estimates for simple projects within 24 hours. However, depending on the availability of materials or parts suppliers and the complexity of the design, it could take up to a week to develop an estimate.
How long does it take to make my custom design?
Our standard order time of 2 to 6 weeks generally applies. However, extremely complicated designs may take up to 8 weeks.
I found a mistake in my design or measurements. What do I do?
Contact us immediately. We will attempt to accommodate changes without impact to time and cost of delivery when possible. The sooner you let us know, the less impact it will have on the time and cost of completing your project.
I paid my deposit, the estimated completion time to complete has passed, and I still don't have my jewelry. What do I do?
We understand the importance your custom order has for you and we do not mind if you contact us for progress reports.
I received my custom order, but it doesn't fit or I broke it. What do I do?
If it is our mistake in making it to your measurements or it broke during normal use, return it and we will fix it free of charge. However, we cannot be responsible for customer errors in measurement or abuse of our products.

If incorrect measurements were provided or you were playing a little too rough, please contact us for a repair estimate. We will make every attempt to charge competitive rates for repairs to our products.
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Revised 27-July-2010