Gift Certificates

Give the perfect gift for any occasion - a gift certificate from Pandora & Pendragon™.

Just click the button below and enter the denomination of the certificate that's right for you and buy it just like any other merchandise. You or the a selected recipient will receive a transferable gift certificate by email. Best of all there's no shipping and handling to pay!

Create a PayPal Gift Certificate that you may use anytime directly from PayPal.

You can print a gift certificate and send it to the recipient. The recipient must have a PayPal account or sign up for a one to redeem a Merchant Gift Certificate. Do not enter a recipient email address if you are not sure which email address the recipient has associated with a PayPal account.

Note: Merchant Gift Certificates are transferable if the recipient's email address is not printed on the gift certificate.

All the contents of this web page and jewelry designs are © 2010 Pandora&Pendragon. All Rights Reserved.
Website by
TrailBlazer Technologies
Revised 14-July-2010